I am not sure if this is the Groupon deal in every city today, but I checked a couple and they all had it. The deal is $25 for a $50 gift certificate to American Apparel, a great value if you are in the market for some of their winter leggings, or one of those circle scarves. They have been stepping up their 2- and 3X offerings of late, too! FYI, I wear either the L or XL leggings comfortably.
And of course I prefer if you sign up using my unique referral code, but that's entirely optional. ;)
ETA: Today they are offering a Nordstrom Rack deal. Get it!
Just spent a fantastic weekend visiting friends in Chicago. I was pretty true to my no retail shopping, though I did pick up some replacement leggings at ye olde American Apparel. Those definitely count as winter staples that I can't really forgo.
I also got to pick up my custom-made skirt from Etsy seller and blogger (and all around cool peeps) IntheThickofIt. She took that picture of the skirt, and brightened it to get the details. The real color is a dark blue:
Worn with a thrifted Target tee shirt (it's grey with red stripes, but you can't tell here), my brand new AA leggings, a vintage four-ply cashmere cardigan (toooooastyyyy) and Pour La Victoire metallic oxfords. And a leopard print coat. The skirt is such good quality, and a good value. I provided my own fabric and she only charged me $25 for labor. And the hem is handstitched! I recommend you check out her stuff.
I also got another 1940s vintage dress! It was $13 at Crossroads and I couldn't believe they had it and that it FIT. It will be featured in a future post. And I got a couple of pretty outrageous animal print items at the Village Thrift that should make an appearance here some day soon.
I have been thinking of doing this for a long time, and it's time to bite the bullet. Now that the holiday shopping season has begun (which is enough to make me ill in itself--it's supposed to start AFTER Thanksgiving), it's time for me to stop shopping retail. After my most recent frustration with Asos, and more than one occasion where there was a package at my door and I couldn't for the life of me remember what I had ordered, it seemed like a good time to stop. Also, I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the extreme waste that good ol' American shopaholicism really is. I mean, the world cotton production can't keep up with demand. WTF? That just feels wrong to me.
I'll still be shopping, but I will only buy from the thrift store, Etsy, or online sales of secondhand stuff. I will probably make an exception for cold weather staples, because I am in dire need of some cute winter boots that are actually functional. If you have favorite Etsy or Ebay shops, or upcycling ideas, send them my way! My friend Cynara sent me some awesome links for making fabric necklaces--great way to use stained tshirts!
Following the latest meme, I wanted to share the five things that define my style. I got the idea from seeing Buttercup's Frocks' and We Are Large, People's iterations.
1. Horizontal stripes, nautical and otherwise.
2. Print mixing
3. Dresses. I know this is vague, but I really wear a lot of them.
4. Belted cardigans. I don't like to admit this one, because I am actually moving away from this look a little, but the proof is there.
5. And of course...
Oops, not that Boots! But that is what my nearly-three year old calls me. I honestly think she may have come up with that because of my boot addiction.I could post a thousand pictures of me in boots, but I know you know how into them I am.
What are your items/looks/things that define your style?