Monday, July 19, 2010

Equestrian Grunge?

Equestrian Grunge

My neighbor totally sneaked up on me when I was taking this pic and I was embarrassed! Luckily she didn't seem to notice the camera propped up on its little gorillapod on my steps. What she thought I was doing standing in the yard facing the house, I will never know. Hehe.

This dress was in my sell/trade/donate pile until the other day when I did a sales post on Livejournal, and I decided I wasn't quite ready to part with yet. Wearing this type of belt to work feels a little conspicuous to me for some reason, but when I look at the picture I am not sure why I think that. Strange, that.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to post videos of what I am listening to, so here you go!


  1. I have that dress and LOVE it too! Although I got the petite which means that I can't wear it bare legged or I'd be flashing my goodies to the free world.

  2. You look fab in that dress, and I love it with the belt. Never get rid of it!

  3. Me likey too! I tried to post earlier, but Blogger snafu'd me for some reason. I dig the dress, has good Alexis attitude. Like the belt too! And totally feel you on being all "oh the statement" until you see the photo and are like, yeah, that's totally cute and no biggie.

